Why do we feel like giving up booze is so hard?

There’s this glaring misconception that when you quit drinking, you’re sacrificing something wonderful, and will forever miss out on something that makes life worth living.

After all, when you give up alcohol, you're giving up so many other things as well!

Toxic friendships, hungovers, blackouts, headaches, anxiety, self-doubt, that utterly crushing feeling of being alone and out of control.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

You can still have fun. You can still dance like no one is watching. You can still make silly jokes and laugh until dusk with your friends. You can still unwind and relax. 

While society is trying to make you believe that you need booze to enjoy life to the fullest, the opposite is actually true. Alcohol is a depressant, it numbs your feelings, clouds your judgement.  How could you possibly enjoy something more by numbing your brain? 

The moment you give up alcohol, you get your time back, your mind back, your health back, your money back, and most importantly your life back.

It can be scary to be in control of your life again, to face the things that have happened and the things that you've done. But you know what’s even scarier? Going back to that dark place where you have no control. It's only when you are in full control of your life, that you can cope with the inevitable ups and downs of life.

When we face our fears, we grow strong. But when we run away from them, we grow weaker and weaker.

You can’t change the past. You can’t get back those years lost, or fix all the mistakes that you made along the way. And that’s alright. Because you can change the future, your future. You can still have that happy life you crave. You have the opportunity, right now, to start changing your life around.

Some people will look at the journey ahead with fear, doubt, and with belief that they have lost something precious which will make their lives feel forever incomplete.

Others will see the vast raw beauty ahead, excited to face the challenges and experiences from which they will grow and flourish, eager to discover the mysterious and enticing road ahead to becoming exactly who they want to be.

